– in English

A special bi-lingual newsletter

to mark our joint celebration weekend (4/5 June 2016) for the 250 years anniversary of our building.
Bi-lingualNewsletter4:5jun16  (PDF downloadable)


Our book of history:

Ce livre, dans une qualité soignée, sur format A4 (A3 sur commande) sera vendu pendant la fête du 4/5 juin. Ici, quelques pages pour vous tenter.

Preface to the updated and revised edition 2016

Une maison pour y faire le culte – a house to be used for Worship: under this title the political and ecclesial authorities of Geneva in 1762 allowed the Lutheran Christians living in the town and its surrounding area to build a church. And on February 9, 1766, everything was ready. The building was inaugurated for worship service and has been, since then, the home of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Geneva. This 250th anniversary provides good reason for us to look back in grateful memory on the eventful history of this building and the people who made it a church. We therefore take this opportunity to bring this history back to life through the historical exhibition that was prepared by Barbara Blum in 2007 on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the congregation. The accompanying booklet went out of print quickly. We present it to the public anew, expressing our gratitude to the artist and to pastors Marc Blessing and Andy Willis who have updated the history of our church to the present day.
For the Church Council: Friedrich Lohmann, Chair


“genevalutheran” congregation newsletter – latest edition: spring 2016
Geneva Lutheran March 2016 (PDF)

Celebration Program Flyer in English